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Flash Musical Instruments from the Burmese Musical Orchestra

These flash based musical instruments from the Burmese Musical Orchestra were made for the Royal Albert Memeorial Museum in Exeter as part of the MOLLI Project (Museums Online Learning Initiative) by the Telematics Centre of the University of Exeter (since closed).

In their original form you could not only play and record yourself, but also save your music and listen to the music created by others.They were created in 2002, and are no longer maintained, so the saving features have been disabled in these versions.

Since I (Richard Osborne) created them, I didn't want them to die completely so have uploaded these versions partly so visitors could have a play with them, but mostly as a demonstration of the type of things that were being created using (what was then Macromedia) Flash way before things like HTML 5's canvas was even being discussed. Technically speaking they're showing their age a bit, but still worth sharing I think.

Gong Chimes

